Monday, February 2, 2009

Sorry this isn't funny Klune

I've been out of work for almost a month now (4 days shy) and it's getting kinda old. I had hopes that this time was going to be an amazing journey into my inner self. I would discover who I truly was by "befriending my loneliness, thus may it become (my) solitude" (thanks Henri Nouwen). I hoped that this heroic break from what my everyday life has been would result in the reward of a life changing job. This is supposed to be the time I'll look back on and say, "That was it. That was when everything changed for me." But I think it might not happen.
So while I'm still in this in between place I think I need to do more meaningful things. As much as I've enjoyed getting coffee, doing crossword puzzles (I'm up to Tuesday in the NY Times if I use Google a bit), hanging out with friends, and watching Six Feet Under I think I need to create some more constructive activities for myself. Here are some things that I want to do but haven't done yet:
  • Learn to play the bass! I don't know why I keep putting this off. It's like the easiest and most rewarding thing to do. I just put on music and try to play basslines along with the songs. Plus the more I do it the easier and more fun it gets.
  • Go on adventures. There are many places in Seattle that I haven't been to and lots of local things I haven't seen. What better thing to do with and empty day than do something you've never done? Plus I can blog about it.
  • Sew. I'm sick of my clothes and sewing is fun, plus you have a complete product at the end of it. I need to find some fabric...
  • Cook. Good idea but I probably won't do it.
  • Read more books. Next time I'm tempted to see what's OnDemand I'll just pick up The Bell instead. Plus you can listen to music while you read.
  • Volunteer. Good for me, good for everyone else, just good all around. Where...?
Hey, if anyone else has any good ideas to add to the list please let me know. I'm totally open to new ideas- they will at least give me something new to think about.


  1. take a revitalizing ferry ride to bremerton or bainbridge island. it's GGGGGGGGGGGOLD.

  2. funny 'cause this is basically where I am sitting right now. and most of the ideas for doing things new (i.e. adventures, reading more, volunteering) are some of the things I want to do too.

    I need a job
