Sunday, January 25, 2009

I walked across Ballard the other day to get coffee and decided that if I took pictures of everything it would make it more of an adventure than just a walk. I was totally right! Here's some of the pictures and the stories that go with them:

This little guy was rummaging around in some bushes and I tried to go all "urban nature" on him and take is picture. For a while I just played hide and seek with him in the bush until he made a break for it and ran across a driveway. Bold move, lil fella. He is grey and so is the driveway. Pretty sweet...

FSA can suck it! I saw this truck drive by and it made me so mad. At my old job I was in charge of ordering supplies and we switched to FSA from Costco specifically for better service. I thought I hated Costco but that was until FSA entered the picture. Lame. They don't have office supplies, their compostable cups have a weird "earth design" on them, they sent us a box of frozen fried chicken instead of toilet paper...hate it. The best thing about FSA is Sandy Lott, the woman I talked to at least twice a week on the phone. The worst thing about FSA is everything else.

Look at this crane! Can you tell what it's lifting high into the air?! It's a little cart with wheels. Pretty cool. This crane is building condos (what a surprise, Seattle) and there was lots of neat stuff near the construction site. There was a conpactor (that thing with the wheel that smoothes out the asphalt) and a backhoe, and someone was down in the sewer doing something.

I pretended to be taking a picture of the espresso machine but REALLY I was taking a picture of this guy's long long long braid. The rest of his hair was short but this braid dangled playfully from behind his ear. I like how it curls at the end.

Free bread from Great Harvest! Just when I was getting hungry, too. I like putting lots of butter on top because the butter is also free and it makes it feel like more of a special treat. 

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